New Challenges Bring New Rewards

So, I have returned to school to finish my degree.  Well, I sort of switched gears by changing my major.  Previously, I was a Wildlife Biology major.  I didn’t finish and never really worked in that field in any capacity.  I have been working for major corporations in the banking industry for the past 14 years.  So, I decided to return to school and obtain a degree in Business Administration.  At first, I was a little intimidated and distraught with the process and the details of applying, learning what to do and where to go and how to get financial aid.  However, once all the details were ironed out, I found it to be a very rewarding experience.  So far, I am enjoying my classes, appreciating my professors, and learning a lot.  I am also proud to say that I am performing well.  I made the Presidents list in my first semester with a 4.0 GPA.  That was something I had never accomplished before.  It just goes to show you that sometimes new challenges can indeed bring on new rewards!



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Inspirational Quote from MJ

I haven’t posted anything for awhile.  So, I thought I would put up this inspirational quote.  I hope to post an article or two soon. 

I have missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I have lost almost
300 games. On 26 occasions I have been entrusted to take the game’s
winning shot…and missed. And I have failed over and over  and
over again in my life. And that is why…I succeed. ~~Michael Jordan

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The Day I Broke Up With Tide


It wasn’t very long ago that I learned a dirty little secret.  The leading national brands for most house hold cleaners use harsh toxic chemicals for two simple reasons.  The first is that they are effective, and the second is that they are cheap to make.  It is cheaper and easier to add mass produced synthetic abrasives to cleaners than it is to find natural solutions.  However, it certainly isn’t better for us as consumers.  In fact, it’s quite the opposite when you look at the big picture.

The majority of what is in our household cleaners is quite safe.  The toxic chemicals are found in trace amounts, and this is why these companies can use them.  The federal government and it’s watch dog agencies have found that trace amounts or short term exposure has no immediate threat to our health or well-being.  Oh, that’s a relief!  However, continual exposure even at small amounts over a long period of time can have a very detrimental effect to our health.  The following is a list of the typical culprits:

  • Chlorine bleach (sodium hypochlorite): If mixed with ammonia, vinegar or other acid-based cleaners, it will release toxic chloramine gas; short-term exposure to this gas can cause mild asthmatic symptoms or more serious respiratory problems. Never mix bleach with these other substances.
  • Petroleum distillates: Found in metal polishes, these chemicals can irritate the eyes and lungs; longer-term exposure can damage the nervous system, kidneys, eyes and skin.
  • Ammonia: Can irritate eyes and lungs and cause headaches.
  • Phenol and cresol: Found in disinfectants, and if ingested can cause diarrhea, fainting, dizziness, and kidney and liver damage.
  • Nitrobenzene: Found in furniture and floor polishes, and if inhaled can cause shallow breathing; if ingested can cause poisoning and death. This substance has also been linked to cancer and birth defects.
  • Formaldehyde: Used as a preservative in many household products, formaldehyde is a suspected human carcinogen that can irritate your eyes, throat, skin and lungs.
  • Naphthalene: Found in mothballs, this suspected carcinogen may damage the eyes, blood cells, liver, kidneys, skin and the central nervous system.
  • Paradichlorbenzene: Another chemical in mothballs, can harm the central nervous system, liver and kidneys.
  • Hydrochloric acid or sodium acid sulfate: Found in toilet bowl cleaners, these chemicals can burn the skin and cause blindness if splashed in the eyes, or can burn the stomach if ingested.  *

While damage to various organs is a little unsettling, I have never personally heard of anyone being hospitalized and needing a liver transplant as a result of obsessive cleaning.  The real scary stuff is in the ones that are carcinogens.  In 1987 the US Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) classified formaldehyde as a probable human carcinogen under conditions of high or prolonged exposure.  In 2011, the National Toxicology Program, an interagency program of the Department of Health and Human Services, named formaldehyde as a known human carcinogen.  In 1998 the US EPA added Nitrobenzene to its list of probable carcinogens.  Do I really want to expose myself to carcinogens to clean my home when I don’t have to?

In addition, these companies typically sell these products at very low concentrations.  In other words, they add water to it and ship it out to the stores.  That’s all fine and good, but isn’t that a little wasteful?  I mean, my dishwater adds water when I turn it on.  Also, my clothes washer does the same.  As for spray cleaner, we can all do that as well.  The end result would be tons less plastic volume to sit in our landfills for centuries.  I am not the biggest environmentalist that is out there, but it simply doesn’t make sense to pay more for a product that has a bunch of water.  I can get water right from my tap if I need it.  To visualize this for you, to get 96 loads out of Tide, I would have to buy 3 bottles.  Yet, my new brand has one simple 96 load container.  It’s a difference of approximately $10.98.  So, I can obtain a product that is better from a health standpoint as it doesn’t contain those scary carcinogens, it is cheaper than the leading national brand, and it’s better for the environment.  This was quickly becoming a no brainer.  Now, that’s just laundry.  The same can be applied to dish cleaner, glass cleaner, multi-surface cleaner, toilet cleaner, furniture polish, and even personal hygiene products.   Everyone always wants the cheapest stuff.  As a commercialized society we do LOVE our stuff don’t we!  Every day there are thousands of people taking time out of their busy schedules to load up on stuff from Walmart.  Well, lots of that stuff is bad for you!  You can’t get my brand at Walmart.  They eliminate the middle man to reduce costs.  How, you may ask?  They ship the goods to me straight from the manufacturer.  Talk about a model of efficiency.  They deliver to my door, it’s better for me and my family; it’s cheaper and has less negative impact on the environment.  That’s a tremendous value!  That was a good way to get me to switch.  It also helps that they are a Top 500 Inc. company, have been in business for 26 years, and have won multiple awards.  I don’t believe I will miss Tide in the least.

Less toxic chemicals and better results!


*   source for detailed information about toxicity of chemicals listed above.

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You’re Not Going To Make A Million Dollars!


Just as the title of this article states, you’re not going to make a million dollars over night or this week or this month.  Most of you won’t make a million dollars this year.  Ok, I know there are plenty of wealthy people who are quite successful.  For them, this may be a common achievement.  However, for the majority of us, this is not a realistic achievement.  Yet, there are thousands of claims, ads, pitches and deals that all promise this magical pot of gold with little to no effort on your part.  Most of us can see through the hype, and that is what this article is about; the Truth.

The truth is that you can work from home and make some money.  The truth is that you can find opportunity outside of corporate America and scratch out a living.  The truth is that it takes hard work, commitment and dedication just like in other jobs.  Short of winning a lottery jackpot, nobody is going to hand you anything.  The key is to find something you can do, something you enjoy or something that fills a need.  Then, pour all of your heart and soul into it.  If you do that, you will find success.  There are many variable measures of success and one million dollars isn’t necessarily the end all be all.  There are thousands of people across the country and all throughout the world that make a great living working at home.  Many have a simple idea, and they start working it as a part-time venture.  It might be hair styling, baking tasty treats, fixing broken down cars, selling things online or processing medical bills.  There are countless things you can do.  You just have to find something that works for you.

“Beware of the dog” is a sign we might encounter that a home owner posted as a courtesy to advise you that a mean and/or dangerous dog lives on the premises.  However, most “scams” don’t come with such warning signs.  You have to figure out which ones may be worth your time.  We’ve all heard the cliché, “it only takes one bad apple to spoil the bunch”.  Well, the truth is that there are a lot of bad apples out there.  It’s not unlike the timeshare industry.  For every legitimate company there is, you will find several cons and cheats.  One of the best ways to separate hope from hype or contenders from pretenders is to look for the truth.  The truth in today’s business world is better than that good old fashioned hand-shake.  In this economy there are lots of people out of a job.  There are many that will take advantage of that, and it’s really quite sad.  You should thoroughly investigate any company you wish to join or work for as a contractor or distributor or representative.  Find out how long they have been in business.  Most scammers get discovered relatively quickly and get shut down.  If they have been in business for about five to six years then chances are better that people are not getting cheated by them.  If they have won awards especially by the Better Business Bureau and the Chamber of Commerce then it is likely they are a company that deals in the truth and not false claims of riches.  Consider that those agencies are known for shutting companies down for being illegitimate or illegal.  So, if a company has won an award from them you have found a keeper.

There’s not always a pot of gold at the end of every rainbow.  However, success can be achieved for those who believe in hard work and do their homework.  It’s not enough to want it.  You have to believe in yourself and what you are doing.  You have to work hard and earn it.  Any level of success is far better appreciated when earned rather than acquired.  So pursue your dreams and make them happen.

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3 Ways To Make Room for Joy

3 Ways To Make Room for Joy

I am re-posting this from another blog as I found it to be quite inspirational.  It only takes 21 days to form a new habit, and I think I’ll start today!  



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Choose The Right Home Business Opportunity

Are you looking for a home based business or a way to make some extra money at home.  Maybe you would like to find something you can do on a part-time basis to supplement your income.  Many financial strategists have been advising that in this economy it makes good sense to have multiple streams of income.  It has become more difficult to rely on just one source of income due to the volatility of the current job market.  Here are some things to keep in mind when you are researching the many different opportunities that are out there.

Proven Track Record – This is the foundation and probably the most important factor to consider.  This will help you differentiate between the pretenders and the contenders.  You want to join a solid company that has been around for a long time and built up a solid reputation in the industry.  There are literally thousands of “hype” opportunities out there.  However, when you start researching them be sure to find out how long they have been in business.  Many companies fold within their first 5 years.  You don’t want to invest your time and money into something that is fledgling and then gone.  Beware of the golden nugget pitch.  If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is.  Due diligence is critical at this step to avoid many of the pitfalls that sink home business beginner before he or she even gets going.

Financially Sound – Wait, who would go into business with some company that is not financially sound?  It sounds ridiculous, but it has happened.  You need to understand the finances that will support the company you wish to join.  Do they make their own products or do they outsource that, have they ever had any distribution problems, and did they have to borrow millions to set up the company or are they debt free?   These are questions that you should be finding the answers to so you will know which companies are financially viable for the long term.  You don’t want to join some hot shot start up, and be left wondering what happened just 18 months later.

Strong Management Team – Who is running the company, is just as important when choosing a home business as it is when choosing an employer.  There are many fine companies out there to choose from, but really do your homework on the people that run them.  Typically, executives that come from Top 500 Inc companies know how to get results.  The bottom line in business matters, and that applies to home based businesses just the same as corporate America.  Find out the mission statement of the company.  This will help you identify with the vision of the management team.  I looked into many companies, and I found one that I liked.  They had a terrific business model.  I might have joined them, but they didn’t have a mission statement.  When asked why the reply I got was, “never felt the need for one”.   That left me with the impression that while it was a fine ship, it was somewhat rudderless.

World Class Products – Ok, now I know there is a multitude of home business opportunities out there where products are not involved.  Many people pursue the online marketing and service sectors or they offer a service from the home.  Though, for many the easiest way to begin an endeavor like this is to join a company that offers unique products that meet a need, that fill a niche in the marketplace or that stand out as far better than its competition.  These are the types of home business opportunities that anyone can do; young or old, experienced or not, urban or rural setting.  Also, companies that produce consumable products that are world class should be considered first.  It stands to reason that if they are making world class products and they are consumable then you should reap the benefit of a high re-order rate.  People will recognize the value and continue to purchase the products.  Some companies will disclose their attrition rate and others won’t.  It shouldn’t be a deal breaker, but a company unwilling to share their attrition rate should certainly get a red flag.  Again, if you are going to invest your time and money into this, then know what you’re getting into.

What Is The Cost? – How much would you pay to start your own business?  Depending on the business type a traditional business can cost an initial investment of thousands of dollars.  Some home business opportunities would require the same to “get in the right way”.  An opportunity that is fair and easy for all to begin with should be relatively inexpensive.  The cost of product should be competitive.  If the actual product is outrageously priced then it could be hard to sell.  If the cost to join the company is expensive then it could take quite a long time to actually see any income.  Any company with an entry fee in excess of $100 should be a red flag.  Also, what is the maintenance involved?  Many of these companies have criteria that you are required to meet.  Some mandate that you achieve a certain sales volume to maintain a status.  Some dictate recruitment volume.  Be sure that the company you join enables you to set goals for yourself that are reasonable.  Some companies offer bonus discounts, seasonal promotions or free goods.  These promotions can add to the overall value.  It’s a good idea to look for a company that has little to no maintenance requirement so that you can do it on a very part-time basis and see if you like it.  Therefore, if it’s not a good fit, you won’t be out some large sum of money with nothing to show for it.

Compensation Plan – We all want to get paid for being productive.  It’s the same for home businesses as it is for corporate America.  The producer wants just compensation for a job well done.  That’s certainly understandable.  However, many home businesses have very complicated compensation plans.  We have all heard the terms MLM and Network Marketing and so on.  There are commissions, recruitment bonuses, and advancement bonuses.  When evaluating a company’s compensation plan you need to determine if it rewards the producer.  In other words, if you excel will you be properly paid.  You don’t want to get skipped, lose a productive recruit or miss out on any compensation that you deserve.  Be sure you pay attention to the details of the compensation plan for the company you join.  You should be cautious of break-away or binary systems.   Some companies have a business matrix that justly compensates you for everyone you bring into the organization and is designed to get you to help those you bring into the organization.  Those are the types of plans that will pay off in the long run.

So, these are just a few things to contemplate before committing to a home based business.  There are many outstanding organizations out there, but there are also several bad ones.  Nobody wants to be taken advantage of.  So if you do your homework and really research what is out there, then you can find the opportunity that is a good match for you.  Working from home can be a way to supplement your income, become your primary income or lead to life changing wealth.  Many people find it to be very rewarding.

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Powerful Inspiration

Ok, so I saw this article by Jessica Hagy posted on another blog, and since my blog was designed as a tool for inspiration in all of my endeavors I thought it was very fitting here.  It’s a simple article that really says a LOT.  So, I hope you enjoy her article titled:  Six Enemies of Greatness(and Happiness)

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Working From Home

It wasn’t very long ago that the idea of working from home was reserved for such professions as garage mechanics, day care providers, photographers and perhaps hair stylists.  However, new technology has really changed the work place to include the work place at home.  Modern computer systems, the internet, and advanced mobile communications devices have all played a role in more and more people working from home.  There are many different ways to work from home and I’ll detail many of them here.

  1.  Satellite office from employer.  Many employers are actually setting up employees so that they can work at home.  This helps them by reducing office costs.  They need less space, work stations, equipment and supplies.  It also helps them keep the cost of insurance down.  Often people working from home are happier as they can manage all of the details of life much more efficiently.  They typically find it easier to schedule exercise, rest and regular meals, all of which contributes to better overall health.  Employees benefit in several ways as well.  They can enjoy lower fuel costs and vehicle maintenance costs.  In many cases they have lower child care costs as they either don’t use a child care provider or use it for a lesser duration than if they were working at a traditional office.
  2.  Consultants and service professionals are increasingly popular.  There are many specialty service providers who are now working from home.  They can be insurance agents/underwriters, human resource professionals, speech therapists, marketing executives, internet domain and server providers as well as independent sales contractors.  You could also include web site developers and software development in this area.  Many individuals working from home in this capacity are experienced in their field and are able to branch out on their own.  They gained a great deal of experience in an office setting, but have either been downsized, job eliminated or needed more money.
  3.  Writing from home is another way to go.  Many people get paid to write blogs, articles, advertising scripts, copyrights/legal documents and stories or books.  Obviously, people have been writing stories/books from home since the beginning of time.  However, there are a lot more people doing so today.  Likewise, the other writing endeavors have really taken off in the last couple decades.  Seems there is always a need and a market for those who are able to write well.  This kind of work can very easily be done from home.
  4.  Online businesses are growing by the minute in this day and age.  There is a host of things one can do within this growing industry from affiliate marketing to ad-sense(banner ad click sales) to domain registry/purchasing to SEO advice to social network marketing to forum hosting.  Within this field many stay at home workers are venturing out on their own to the world wide web and finding niches where they can prosper doing what they enjoy.  There are many different affiliates that one can join or start up by yourself and promote your own service.    Often people start out things of this nature on a part-time basis as a means to supplement their household income.  Some become very successful, and they are able to pursue it as a full time occupation.
  5.  There are some companies that use consumer direct marketing.  This is a little bit different from the business types listed above.  These organizations use their consumer exclusively to promote their products and services.  This saves them money on advertising expenses, and it allows average people to find a way to earn some extra income.  These companies are sometimes mistaken for something that they are not.  However, it is a simple business model of referring others to the company as customers.  Then, the company processes the orders, ships the goods, handles billing and taxes and follows up with any service issues or complaints.  This business model has grown in popularity under the adverse conditions of the rocky economy that has troubled many of us over the past couple of years.

That is just a basic sampling of what is out there for individuals looking to work from home.  It’s like any other type of work though.  One must remain focused and committed to the task at hand for the day.  It’s easy to fall victim to distractions.  It’s up to you to set up yourself so that you can be productive and avoid many of those dreaded distractions.  Self-motivation is a skill that really helps one to achieve success in this new work environment.

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Patience and Perseverance

“Like many fly fishermen in western Montana where the summer days are almost Arctic in length, I often do not start fishing until the cool of the evening. Then in the Arctic half-light of the canyon, all existence fades to a being with my soul and memories and the sounds of the Big Blackfoot River and a four-count rhythm and the hope that a fish will rise. Eventually, all things merge into one, and a river runs through it. The river was cut by the world’s great flood and runs over rocks from the basement of time. On some of those rocks are timeless raindrops. Under the rocks are the words, and some of the words are theirs. I am haunted by waters.-  Norman from A River Runs Through It.

The passage above is one of my favorite movie quotes of all time.  Fishing and the outdoors help me through the trials and tribulations of a challenging world.

Success in fishing is not unlike success in other endeavors.  It isn’t often that you find an entrepreneur who walked seamlessly into riches with little care for effort or investment.  We’ve all heard the cliche’, “the early bird gets the worm”.  The truth is, most people that achieve success do so on purpose.  They work hard at it.  Most highly successful entrepreneurs subscribe to tried and true characteristics such as: commitment, dedication, follow through, optimism and perseverance.  This is not unlike most fishermen.  They possess many of these same traits.  Anglers who consistently produce impressive catches do so because they have worked hard at it.  To achieve your goals in fishing and in life, these are some of the tools you’ll need.

People want immediate results. We have become a society of instant gratification.  We want things faster, stronger, better, and more reliable.  It is certainly noble to want these things.  Yet, perhaps what we fail to recognize is that every day we can accomplish small goals that lead to big results.  Taking the time today to complete remedial tasks can pay huge dividends over the long term.  A fly fisherman will arduously craft his newest replica to entice the trout to strike.  It’s about laying the ground work, careful preparation, and building a solid foundation.  Rome was not built in a day.

Even if I go to the lake to “get away from it all”, I can receive a phone call thanks to the technology that is cellular phones.  We’ve got email, websites, SEO tutorials, smart phones, blogs and “an app for that”.   Everybody is after that instant hit.  They want to arrive at the lake and land that lunker on the third cast.  However, this is not how it works in fishing.  Well, it’s not how it works in business either.  Slow and steady is what wins this race.  That’s not to say that a fast start wouldn’t help.  A dandy keeper on the first cast is always good.  However, if you want to win the tournament then, you have to do much more.  You have to consistently apply yourself and believe your efforts are not in vain.  Tony Bishop may have said it best when he said, “Fishermen are not patient – they are expectant.  Armed with experience the fisherman knows that this time and this place is right, this bait is right, and therefore is expecting to catch a fish.  You see, expect, is an interesting word.  It means to look forward to the probable occurrence of something or to consider something likely or certain.”^  The most successful people in business do the same thing.

Ultimately, those who consistently achieve success do more.  They work harder, faster and longer.  They want it more.  They believe in it more.  They will show a little more patience for their goals, and they will persevere in the face of a multitude of obstacles.

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Something For The Little Guy

The world is made up of the 80/20 rule.  This basically means that 80% of the people do most of the work while 20% make most of the money.  This is how it goes in society today.  It’s tough to get ahead.  For most people it can be difficult to catch a break.  Many of us want to know, when will our ship sail in?

Where is the opportunity for the little guy?  How do the rest of us get a piece of the pie?  There are so many rules, regulations and obstacles in our way now.  A guy can’t open a hot dog stand anymore.  It’s not cost effective to do so after you add up the time and money invested you would have to charge too much and that would hurt sales and so on.  A woman would have a hard time doing hair in her home for some extra money.  It would help, but you don’t really begin to approach things like financial freedom or wealth.  We often don’t even know what options might be out there for us to pursue.

What if there was something that was easy to do?   You know what would be great, an opportunity that was easy, low cost, limited time required and teachable to others.  In this economy we need something that provides value.  Imagine a place where you could:

  • Purchase products at a wholesale price
  • Receive commissions for referring others to that same place
  • Not have to worry about inventory, sales orders or deliveries
  • Receive recognition and bonuses when you perform well
  • Work at your own pace and when it’s convenient for you
  • Make a difference in the lives of others

I truly believe I have found such a place.  I am very excited to see where this will take me and my family!

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